In 2020, I used my birthday as an excuse to run a promo on my book on Amazon.
This allowed my beloved readers a chance to grab the Kindle copy for only $0.99, and it made it all the way to #11 on the Amazon Best Sellers list!
This year...
I have a GIFT and an ASK... you are welcome to participate in any way -- and yet under no obligation to do anything further but accept the free gift!
Please accept a free digital copy of my book!
Five Golden Keys to Sharpen Your Website
Put it to use to make your website - and your entire business - better!
That's it! No obligation to do anything further.
...and yet...
some are going to ask what else they can do, so here are a few options:
The ASK:
-- Write a REVIEW:
I would be very honored if you would write a review and share at least one thing you liked best or learned from the book that you will apply to your business right away!
-- BUY the Book on Kindle or in Print:
Available right here on Amazon in the format of your choice!
-- TIP the Author
Any amount is welcome! Suggested Donation: $8
You are welcome to do ANY of the above. IF you want to do ALL of the above, it would be BEST if you BOUGHT the book on Amazon first, and THEN left your review. Your review will be more highly counted if Amazon marks you as a "Verified Purchase". And yet you technically CAN leave a review on any book you wish.
Thank you for playing in ANY way!
Happy Birthday to me! And I hope this gives you a new idea you can use in your business this year!
Let's make this our best year yet!
With Love,