Free Tips, Tricks & Resources : Get the inside info to help you grow your business online!

Merry Holidays!

Merry Holidays!

Please accept a FREE Gift of my Website Video Series!

It's the holidays! And I want to GIVE YOU a GIFT 🎁 🎉

Jump into my 7-part video series right now!

Unwrap Now

This free on-demand 7-pt video series will give you 5 Keys to Unlock the Mysteries of Your Website and Find its Hidden Profit.

Buckle up for a web-jungle tour that promises to reveal ways to improve your Search, Sales and Customer Service allowing you to Save Money, Save Time, and Serve your Clients Better, Faster & Easier!

Buckle Up & Jump In !

Welcome to my Blog!


I always tell my clients to have a blog because it's so good for their website and their business!

I guess it's time I should Practice What I Preach...!

I had a blast being on Marketing Spotlight with Alison Ver Halen !

CJ on Marketing Spotlight with Alison Ver Halen
Published in Blog

I had a blast being on Carte Blanche Media with Darrell White !

CJ on Carte Blanche Media with Darrell White
Published in Blog

I had a blast being on Faith on Friday Presents with Rikki Smith !

CJ on Faith on Friday Presents with Rikki Smith

Faith on Friday Presents - CJ Gilbert

Websites; I know right?! We need one for business. We need it to look professional, but how does a website really work?

Published in Blog
Monday, 14 March 2022 11:11

Geek Bytes from Ask A Web Geek

The long-form style of my video show works great as a LIVE and a podcast, but not so much for the fast paced world of YouTube.

Introducing Geek Bytes from Ask A Web Geek

The individual topics and questions answered on our show presented in a smaller one-at-a-time video format!

SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube channel HERE
Published in Blog
Thursday, 17 February 2022 11:11

The ONLY thing you fully own and control online

Do you know...?!
This is the ONLY thing you can fully own and control online!

This VIDEO is only 01:28, and yet it's the most important thing I have to tell you!

...please WATCH, LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE with friends or family in business!!

WATCH Video - The ONLY thing you fully own and control online
Published in Blog
Monday, 14 February 2022 11:11

CJ on The Silicon Valley Podcast

I'm honored to appear on The Silicon Valley Podcast with Shawn Flynn !

Shawn and I discussed:

  • How does one go about finding a developer for their site?
  • What are the metrics that should be tracked and who at the company should know what?
  • How are websites evolving or what are the next trends that people should be aware of or thinking about?
  • What is the number one problem you see companies make with their website?
  • And much more...
CJ on The Silicon Valley Podcast
Published in Blog

Have you seen CJ's Free Training on LinkedIn?

In this private training, CJ teaches about using LinkedIn for your business and professional endeavors!

He presents some key concepts about social media in general, and then goes into more information about using LinkedIn specifically: How to Craft your Profile, Best Practices, Using the Advanced Search filters, and top tips and action steps!

Let's Learn LinkedIn - CJ's Free OnDemand Social Media Training Video
Published in Blog
Thursday, 31 December 2020 12:31

Happy New Year 2021

Wow! What a year!

Some are glad it's over, some are looking forward to new opportunities, and probably most people are a mix of both!

How about you? Has it been good? Rough? Ups and downs? I'd love you to leave me a comment and let me know how it's been for you, and what you're looking to do next! How can we help you? What resources do you need next?


Please Accept My Free New Year's Gift to YOU!

Published in Blog

Over the last few weeks, I have had the amazing opportunity to share some training on Social Media to a few different groups.

I was able to record them, so now I can share them with you! Buckle Up!

Published in Blog

Make your website do more for your business!

CJ's Free On-Demand Video Training

5 Keys to Unlock the Profit Hidden in your Website

This free on-demand 7-pt video series will give you 5 Keys to Unlock the Mysteries of Your Website and Find its Hidden Profit.

Buckle up for a web-jungle tour that promises to reveal ways to improve your Search, Sales and Customer Service allowing you to Save Money, Save Time, and Serve your Clients Better, Faster & Easier!

Learn More & Sign Up at!

Learn more