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Monday, 07 November 2022 11:11

How to Get Found on Google + CJ's SEO Strategy

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I have just created a playlist of my videos that talk about "SEO" type topics:

How to Get Found on Google + CJ's SEO Strategy


Video: CJ's SEO PlayList helps you Get Found on Google + CJ's Easy SEO Strategy


So far in this playlist, we cover:

First Questions

Why Doesn't my Website Show Up on Google?
I show you how to make sure you are registered on Google for BOTH your Business and your Website.

Two MOST IMPORTANT Questions for your Small Business Marketing
Before we go much further, we REALLY need to talk about THESE two more important topics!

CJ's SEO Strategy

In these three videos, I outline a really solid "SEO Strategy" improving both your on-page and off-page SEO!

1.) CJ's Easy-to-use SEO Strategy - How to Attract More Clients to Your Website

2.) CJ's Advanced SEO Strategy - How to use your Blog to Attract More Clients

3.) CJ's Easy-to-use Off-Page SEO Strategy - Incoming Links, Directory Listings and Social Media


Social Media?! Help!
In this video, I offer two free trainings to help you get started in Social Media (in general) and LinkedIn (specifically).

Use your website better! Make it work for YOU!
Most business owners don't fully understand what they can even do with their website! Here I offer my FREE 7-pt Video Workshop to Make Your Website Work for Your Business!

Moving Forward

I don't know what to write! Where does my content come from?
In this video, we uncover a never-ending source of material and ideas for your website, blog, social media posts, e-mail newsletters and more!

How to Use Google My Business

WHY use Google My Business | How to Use Google My Business Pt 1
In this first video, I show you exactly WHY you want to be using Google My Business.

How to Set up Google My Business | How to Use Google My Business Pt 2
In this second video, I show you exactly HOW to Set Up your Google My Business location.


After you watch a few videos, I'd love to hear some takeaways and what you liked best! Please leave your comment below.

WATCH the FULL Playlist HERE on YouTube

FOLLOW ME on the social media platforms of your choice to get all the tools, tips, links and resources I'm sharing daily!


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